Adorable moment firefighter dad turns to see baby daughter running toward him for a hug

It was a moment to remember for a father who saw his young daughter running towards him while still on duty.

In his 20 years in service in Glendale Fire Department, Captain Dave Colson has only responded twice on a call on his own street.

As a member of the department’s hazardous materials team, Mr. Colson told a news agency during an interview that they were dealing with the leak.

While they were working, his wife and kids observed them from a distance.

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Good thing the leak was small and was dealt with easily.
“We were just out front talking, and I looked down the street, and my wife and the kids were outside in the front yard,” he said in an interview. “We finished up everything we were doing, and then I just started walking down the street to go say hi,” he further added.


As he recounted, Mr. Colson’s youngest child ran toward him in a dead sprint.


Jenna, only two years old, was only wearing a diaper when she ran to her dad for a hug.

He was about three houses down when Mr. Colson saw Jenna running.

Unforgettable moment.
He said that it was the most memorable moment in his life.

He could not forget the expression on his toddler’s face, arms wide open and anticipating a hug from him.


“She just had the biggest grin from ear-to-ear, and probably the last 20, 30 feet of it, her arms were wide open, running,” he explained.

Mr. Colson said it was a meaningful experience for him since it was one of the few times his kids saw him in the field as a firefighter.

The Glendale Fire Department took it on Facebook and posted the photo by Mrs. Colson on their page.

The post captioned, “This is a moment that must be shared. Captain Colson responded to a call down the street from his home. Once the emergency was mitigated, his wife let their eager daughter say hello to her Daddy. She quickly snapped this photo of them just before he swept her into his arms for a hug. I hate to compare, but I have to say it, our Fire family is the best! Thank you, Mrs. Colson for sharing this moment with us. Stay safe.”

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